Travelling as a Lifestyle

Travelling as a Lifestyle

Travelling as a Lifestyle 150 150 IbexTrails

If you’re like us, there’s a yearning inside of you to TRAVEL. You’re tired of life stuck in the hamster wheel, and want to reclaim a little bit of freedom, ease, and joy.

A chance to just slip into a hammock undisturbed at sunset with an ice-cold drink and a slow sway to the tunes of your favourite song. And the opportunity to tell more enriching stories and have something to laugh about in the years to come. Travel is something that’s hard to define because each of us has our own interpretation of what the ultimate form of travel looks like.

I’m sure we can all agree that travel allows us to escape everyday formalities, giving us a sense of ownership over our lives. It offers an exotic spark of adventure and discovery that our day-to-day lives seem to gloss over.

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